
The Constructing Europe’s Borders Dataset is a collection of over 20 000 statements by MPs about the membership to, and enlargement of, European organizations. It includes interventions made during parliamentary debates at the national and European levels during the period ranging from 2004 to 2019. It codes information about the speaker, their level of support for membership/enlargement, as well as the arguments they use to justify their position.

It features debates from 14 parliaments across Europe including:

  • The European Parliament
  • National parliaments of:
    • EU Member states (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland)
    • Former member state (UK)
    • Candidate states (Serbia, Turkey)
    • Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine)
    • Neighbouring countries (Russia, Switzerland)

The dataset in supplemented by a comprehensive codebook and a frame definition and aggregation protocol. It was designed and implemented in the framework of the Constructing Europe’s Border project and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Chair of European Politics at ETH Zurich.

Bélanger, M-E & F. Schimmelfennig (2021). external pagePoliticization and rebordering in EU enlargement: membership discourses in European parliaments, Journal of European Public Policy, 28:3, 407-426

Bélanger, M-E & N. Wunsch (Forthcoming, 2021). From cohesion to contagion? Populist radical right contestation of EU enlargement, Journal of common Market Studies

Bélanger, M-E, L. Mikalayeva, F. Schimmelfennig, A. Baysan, N. Olszewska et als, (2020). Constructing Europe’s Borders: Parliamentary Discourses Dataset, ETH Research Collection. ETH Zürich.

Bélanger, M-E, L. Mikalayeva, F. Schimmelfennig (2020). Constructing Europe’s Borders Project: Codebook, ETH Research Collection. ETH Research Collection, ETH Zürich.

Bélanger, M-E, L. Mikalayeva, F. Schimmelfennig (2020). Constructing Europe’s Borders Project: Frames definition and Aggregation protocol, ETH Research Collection, ETH Zürich.

Marie-Eve Bélanger:

Principal investigator
Frank Schimmelfennig:

Associated researchers
Alper Baysan:
Nicole Olszewska:
Liudmila Mikalayeva:

The EUDIFF datasets provide information on legal differentiation in the European Union. The EUDIFF1 dataset starts from a list of all EU treaty articles in force each year between 1952 and 2020. It identifies whether each member state was legally exempted or excluded from the article. The EUDIFF2 dataset lists all EU legislation in force each year between 1958 and 2018/2020 and codes differentiations for each member state.

Permanent links: external page and external page

The dataset has benefited from funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the German Research Foundation (DACH funding for “Differentiated Integration in Europe”, 2010-2016) and the European Union Horizon 2020 program (“Integrating Diversity in the European Union” – InDivEU, 2019-2021).

Schimmelfennig, F. & T. Winzen (2020). external pageEver Looser Union? Differentiated European Integration. Oxford University Press.

Dataset Articles
Duttle, Thomas, Katharina Holzinger, Thomas Malang, Thomas Schäubli, Frank Schimmelfennig and Thomas Winzen. 2017. external pageOpting Out from European Union Legislation: the Differentiation of Secondary Law. Journal of European Public Policy 24(3): 406-428.
Schimmelfennig, Frank and Thomas Winzen. 2014. external pageInstrumental and Constitutional Differentiation in the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies 52(2): 354-370.
Winzen, Thomas and Frank Schimmelfennig. 2016. external pageExplaining Differentiation in European Union Treaties. European Union Politics 17(4): 616-637.

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